16 things Twilight fans will remember doing in 2009!
You will probably see yourself in at least one item on this list if you were a fan of this saga. 16 things Twilight fans will remember doing in 2009!

1. You had a shrine in your bedroom dedicated to the genius of this saga.
2. Your room was covered in Twilight posters and stickers.
3. You meticulously created the perfect t-shirt to wear for the movie premiere.
4. You played “Clair de Lune” on a continuous loop while imagining that Edward was playing it for you instead of for Bella.
5. You proudly displayed your preference for Edward or Jacob.
6. You rushed to the store as soon as the first movie came out on DVD.
7. You took countless pictures with your friends while you waited for movie to start.
8. The book covers inspired you to perfect your nail art.
9. You were never afraid to explain how significant the saga was for you then (or now for that matter).
10. You mastered your vampire teeth.
11. You read and reread the books, because you always wanted more.
12. You dreamed of going to Forks to discover where the *magic* of Twilight began.
13. And you were more than excited when you could go and see the shooting locations.
14. You knew there was always a good opportunity to reread the book.
15. You even planned a DVD night with ~blood~ punch.
16. You had at least *one* piece of Twilight clothing that you wore all the time, until it got holes in it.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!