16 things you’ve never noticed
There are things that we no longer notice by habit.

But fortunately, we’re here to remind you of them. You’ll see 16 images revealing some facts that you probably didn’t know.
Beware, some of them may be very surprising to you!
1. There's a hidden bear in the Toblerone logo.
2. Jerry's door on “Seinfeld” has scuff marks from Kramer kicking it in all the time.
3. The filling inside Kit-Kats is OTHER Kit-Kats.
It's a paste of rejected Kit-Kats, mashed up to fill other Kit-Kats.
4. In the Tostitos logo, two people are sharing a bowl of salsa and a chip.
5. You’ll never be able to unsee this!
6. "umop apisdn" is "upside down" spelled upside down with different letters of the alphabet.
7. Whoopi Goldberg doesn’t have eyebrows.
© Gary Gershoff / Getty
8. When you snap your fingers, the sound is created from your middle finger hitting your palm, NOT your middle finger rubbing your thumb.
9. The face on the Goodwill logo is also the "G."
10. The Crayola box is smiling.
11. Arizona has not raised the price of its iced tea (99 cents) since 1992.
12. When you turn the LG logo, you see it’s Pac-Man.
13. The Hunger Games logo looks like Johnny Bravo holding an arrow.
14. The Chicago Bulls logo upside down looks like a robot reading a newspaper.
15. You will never hear the sound of your own voice.
When you hear yourself speak, your voice comes across as lower and richer than it is due to vibrations inside your head. And when you hear your voice on a recording, the quality of microphone and recording equipment will affect its sound.
16. In "Friends,” they always got their sofa, because it was always reserved for them.
© NBC / Via buzzfeed.com

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!