17 creative ways to apply for a job! Which ones are the best ideas?
Want to apply for a job but you're not sure how to make yourself stand out from everyone else? Take an example from these 17 people. We’re sure that they got hired automatically! With their creativity and inventiveness, they knew how to make a difference.

1. A response for a restaurant chain
2. 400 figurines, each containing a CV and a cover letter
3. A response in the form of a children's book
4. An XXL response
5. A response in the form of a marriage proposal
"You and Me" For better or for worse
6. A response in the form of a driver’s license
7. A response in the form of a subway map
8. A response from a young adult couple
9. A historian's response
10. A response engraved on a skateboard
11. A Bitstrip response
12. A video game response
13. A response on the back of a bottle of wine
14. A response for a summer job
"Take Fanny for your vacation"
15. A response with a chocolate bar
16. A response in the form of a show ticket
17. A response in the form of a game
"Operation on your intern"

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!