17 face tattoo fails
Getting a tattoo has become very common, even if it’s not for everyone. With that said, some areas are more discreet than others, and some tattoos look better than others. As a rule, the face is one of the only very dangerous places to get a tattoo. Why? Simply because it can be seen by everyone, but mostly because a tattoo fail will stay with you and haunt you for your entire life.

If you still aren’t sure and you’re still itching to get a tattoo on your face, here are 17 images that might make you change your mind!
1. Flowered eyebrows
2. A face covered in tattoos
3. Handwritten eyebrows
4. Dotted eyebrows
5. A fake moustache
6. Getting a tattoo on the inside of your lips... Now that’s discreet!
7. Fake eyebrows
8. False eyebrows and moustache with a tear: a winning combo!
9. Cats for eyebrows!
10. You have to think of it as a work of art...
11. Another handwritten tattoo – this time a moustache, why not?... (especially if it’s a "family tradition")
12. "To be starry-eyed," well no, but stars all over her face instead!
13. False hair! Ingenious! Too bad it's only on one side of his head...
14. A tiny moustache, still not quite a man...?
15. Tattooed eyebrows seem to be all the rage!
16. So let's say that you’re ruining your chances at your future job interview (unless you work in a tattoo parlor...)
17. That has a certain charm...

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!