17 people who had a seriously bad day
Bad days spare no one and happen without warning. From infuriating glitches that crop up out of the blue to very close calls, we never know what the future holds.

Our day starts normally, everything looks good, and then "wham", bad luck strikes and our great day rapidly goes downhill.
So, please spare a thought for these 17 people who certainly didn't have the best day of their lives.
1. Someone took the bus to work
2. It was a long-haul flight
3. How???
4. Thankfully no one was injured
5. Everyone was safe in their classroom
6. When only 4 people sign your farewell card
7. She didn't know graduation day had been cancelled
8. When you see your home go up in flames
9. Their new locker
10. Find the culprit!
11. An amazing view of Mount Rushmore
12. After heavy rain - gulp!
13. Never microwave eggs
14. Waiting for help to arrive
15. Guess cats have bad days too
16. The bride didn't come out so good...
17. They found their non-existant chair

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!