17 photos that guarantee an adrenaline rush
An adrenaline rush is the body's response to a situation that causes stress. Commonly known as "flight or fight", it's created by a sudden production of adrenaline, accompanied by a fast heart beat and a rise in blood pressure.

It's usually something we feel when we're surprised by the unexpected, but there are plenty of thrill-seekers who love an adrenaline rush, as it makes them feel even more alive and kicking! So, if you think that your life is a bit dull and you fancy an adrenaline rush, imagine you're one of the following people!
1. Fighting the fires in California - what courage!
2. Hopefully he has a good insurance policy
© Ispent1hourchoosingthis / imgur
3. Meanwhile in Canada...
3. When a kangaroo transforms into a demon
© ADisturbinglyAttractiveCactus / imgur
4. Nope, it's not an alien, just a very weird fungus
5. When you see this behind the counter
6. A huge moth at night
7. Close call!
8. An unexpected visitor
9. When it takes 3 guys to hold one fish
10. Imagine stumbling across this in the dead of night...
11. Just before she screamed...
12. We can't bear to look at this!
13. The problem with low-flying birds
14. She looks pretty calm...
15. Would you take this killer wave on?
16. Run as fast as you can
17. Ever seen someone run across water?

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!