17 photos that show how amazing our world is
What a fascinating world we live in! Not a day goes by without something new happening. It may be in your home, your neighborhood, your city or simply Mother Nature raising her spectacular head!

So, if you think you've seen it all, think again... Some of the following are self explanatory, others may leave you scratching your head.
1. 2 bullets that fused on contact!
2. A make-shift mountain path in China
© Jie Zhao / Corbis News / Getty Images
3. Have you ever seen a Wrap-Around spider?
4. Dead end desert road...
5. Modern meets old
6. Ooh, look, little hands!
© lnAParallelUniverse / reddit
7. The largest flying animal ever known!
8. Customer complaint "letter" sent in 1,750BC
9. The perfect scallop shell
10. A UFO?
11. This guy's just met his doppelganger
12. No, they're not triplets!
13. When shadows ice over
14. An underwater waterfall
15. Wow! That's one cool cut!
16. An awesome fountain
17. A dissected elephant's foot

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!