17 recent super-practical designs
Every day new inventions arrive on the market. Objects that quickly become an indispensable part of our daily lives.

For example water-repellent car wing mirror stickers or air-conditioned kennels so you can leave your dog in safe place while you shop: just two awesome examples taken from the following selection of super-practical designs!
1. Water-repellent stickers
2. In British supermarkets you can buy wine by the glass
© eurasianpersuasions / reddit
3. One casserole pan, two dishes
4. For anyone who wants to work in peace
5. No nails needed
6. Have you ever seen dry soap?
7. The easiest remote in the world
8. Perfect for washing up!
9. A lamp made of separate panels that you can turn on/off individually
10. A trash can that does all the work!
11. Lights to tell you when a toilet is free
12. An easy-to-fold pram
13. Air conditioned kennels
14. Products that you can slide to the front
15. No more achy thumbs!
16. A rubber border so you can easily open this pot of cream
17. Awesome videos to keep you entertained while you work out

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!