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  3. 18 before/after shots of websites proving that they have really changed!

18 before/after shots of websites proving that they have really changed!

Check out this list showing how some really well-known websites that you’ve all used at least once have changed over the years! The difference is unbelievable!

Illustration : "18 before/after shots of websites proving that they have really changed!"

1. Apple in 2002 vs. today

Illustration de l'article : 18 before/after shots of websites proving that they have really changed!

2. Twitter in 2007 vs. today

Illustration de l'article : 18 before/after shots of websites proving that they have really changed!

3. Tumblr in 2007 vs. today

Illustration de l'article : 18 before/after shots of websites proving that they have really changed!

4. Facebook in 2007 vs. today

Illustration de l'article : 18 before/after shots of websites proving that they have really changed!

5. Google in 2002 vs. today

Illustration de l'article : 18 before/after shots of websites proving that they have really changed!

6. MySpace in 1996 vs. today

Illustration de l'article : 18 before/after shots of websites proving that they have really changed!

7. ebay in 1998 vs. today

Illustration de l'article : 18 before/after shots of websites proving that they have really changed!

8. Instagram in 2011 vs. today

Illustration de l'article : 18 before/after shots of websites proving that they have really changed!

9. Amazon in 1999 vs. today

Illustration de l'article : 18 before/after shots of websites proving that they have really changed!

10. YouTube in 2006 vs. today

Illustration de l'article : 18 before/after shots of websites proving that they have really changed!

11. Yahoo in 1999 vs. today

Illustration de l'article : 18 before/after shots of websites proving that they have really changed!

12. Wikipedia in 2003 vs. today

Illustration de l'article : 18 before/after shots of websites proving that they have really changed!