18 before/after shots of websites proving that they have really changed!
Check out this list showing how some really well-known websites that you’ve all used at least once have changed over the years! The difference is unbelievable!

1. Apple in 2002 vs. today
2. Twitter in 2007 vs. today
3. Tumblr in 2007 vs. today
4. Facebook in 2007 vs. today
5. Google in 2002 vs. today
6. MySpace in 1996 vs. today
7. ebay in 1998 vs. today
8. Instagram in 2011 vs. today
9. Amazon in 1999 vs. today
10. YouTube in 2006 vs. today
11. Yahoo in 1999 vs. today
12. Wikipedia in 2003 vs. today

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!