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18 incredibly creative teachers who know how to deal with students

Unfortunately, it’s too rare to have a college professor who is funny. Yet that could help relax the atmosphere, and reassure some students. In good amounts, a cheerful note can contribute to a teacher’s work. A good spirit can also send a less painful (and therefore, more effective) message than direct methods...

Illustration : "18 incredibly creative teachers who know how to deal with students"

Here are 18 examples of teachers who have chosen creative methods to communicate with their students. You're gonna laugh...

1. A special stamp for bad students

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"You shall not pass," the student is warned in case he didn’t understand the big red "F"!

2. My teachers at Halloween

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(C) science.bennington

Not all professors have such a sense of humor!

3. A teacher who has had it with creative fonts

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Here are his instructions for the written assignments: "Font: Times New Roman - Size: 12 pt. [NO EXCEPTIONS!!!] - If your font is HUGE, BOLD, or "cute," I will set your paper on fire." That’s clear enough! You can feel his frustration...

4. A math teacher’s license plate

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(C) onlygossip

Cool, isn’t it?

5. A biology teacher who has some perspective

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6. This one doesn’t mess around!

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7. This teacher knows how to attract his students’ attention

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8. To prevent them from cheating

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Why not?

9. The school librarian who disguises herself as an angel of death at the end of the year to collect all her overdue books

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A humorous way to remind students of their responsibilities…

10. The very compassionate teacher

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(C) lerkasat/pikabu

11. The torturer

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(C) wearys.tumblr

Not only does he drink during class, but his bottle has a label that says "students’ tears" too.

12. The teacher who puts things into perspective

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(C) dumpaday

13. The teacher who is watching you even when she’s absent

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(C) reddit/imgur

14. The teacher who isn’t afraid of sarcasm

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(C) 24.media.tumblr

This teacher has auctioned a "masterpiece” someone drew on the classroom wall. He gave it the title "Vive la Revolucion" and created a complete description similar to those in auction catalogs. I’m sure this was the last time her classroom got tagged...

15. The literature teacher’s school picture

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...and check out the one next to him...

16. The Watchman

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Apparently, he wanted to see the students in the back rows...

17. The one who never comes out

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This university professor has covered his office door with a life-size poster of him sitting comfortably in his office wearing shorts.

18. The motivating introductory message

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(C) jokeitup

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