18 people who stood out from the crowd for a variety of reasons
Sometimes we wander around with our head in the clouds and then suddenly something odd catches our eye. From funny to disoncerting, we've all come across folk who stand out from the crowd...

The world is a melting pot and you never know when you'll spot someone who's out of the ordinary because of the way they dress or behave. Here's a selection of photos of people who you'd be unlikely to forget if you bumped into them as you went about your day!
1. What could he be carrying?
2. A spare pair of prosthetics
3. Superhero shades
4. When Spiderman gets jealous of Shrek
5. Because bears also like to hitch rides...
6. Easier than running through the forest
7. A cheap upgrade
8. Just so long as he doesn't move his head
9. Winnie the Pooh enjoying a ride
10. We never knew Spiderman had a scooter
11. Just some aliens having a drink and a bite to eat
12. Bambi goes for a stroll with his mom
13. Meanwhile this was spotted in Saint Petersburg, complete with a water canon, barbecue and a Jolly Roger flag!
14. Mid-season wear?
15. When you always have chilly ankles
16. Surely Superman would actually fly?
17. A walking garden
18. When you spot this in the mirror...

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!