18 photos that define the word 'weird'
It's often our eccentricities that make us stand out from the crowd, but being a little kooky is not the same as just being plain weird! Add to that 'you only had one job' fails and you have to admit it's a strange world out there!

From puzzling to hilariously funny, here's a selection of photos that show a weirder side of life!
1. An 18th Century wig made from natural hair (or should it be 'fur'?)
2. This label must be written in several languages...
3. Melting furniture?
4. Who said they were just for drinks?
5. Eat your heart out, Jaguar, this guy's driving a Mario
© u/gilbertsslugcreature / reddit
7. DIY snowboard
8. When wish you'd actually adopted a cow rather than a dog.
9. How to fool your dog into staying put
10. Not very hygienic...
11. Instagram vs reality
12. The sound of silence?
13. Surely he could take this snap from another spot?
14. How would you feel if you were given one of these?
15. Keep your distance!
16. Apparently this was easier than buying a hedge trimmer
17. DIY showerhead
18. How to upcycle an old couch

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!