17 pictures of unusual things on earth
Many people dream of setting foot on Mars one day. They would like to check out another planet, when they haven’t even seen all the riches here on our own planet.

In fact, there are many places on earth where many people have never been, or at least not the average Joe. Only scientists and those with a thirst for adventure have been to these places. Sometimes you can see some pretty amazing things. The photos below are all the proof you need.
1. A cloud shaped like a giant bird
2. Carrots in many colors!
3. Apparently these ants know how to count to 8…
4. A frozen sea in Norway, trapping hundreds of fish
© Ingolf Kristiansen / facebook
5. The flower hasn’t opened yet, but its shadow looks like it has
6. “Our plane was protected by a rainbow!”
7. An onion the size of a cantaloupe!
8. A leaf outlined by water droplets
9. “I always say you play too hard!”
10. These are tiny lizard eggs.
11. Hungry, hungry fish!
12. This flower has one different-colored petal.
13. A little bird decided to make his home in this helmet.
14. “Yeah, I can jump over you!”
15. Is it a giant's foot or a vegetable?
16. The rainbow vs. the lightning!
17. It looks like a baby elephant...
© Ornicar.photographie / facebook

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!