18 unsettling photos of sprouting fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables, like us, follow a set life cycle.

But as with all things living, it doesn't always go to plan... They may be just as tasty, but some fruits and vegetables seem to have minds of their own when it comes to how, when and where they sprout.
Intensive farming and GM crops may explain why these healthy treats look more like alien fodder, but in any case we're sure you'll agree that these snaps don't exactly whet the appetite!
Here are 18 photos of fruits and vegetables straight out of a Si-Fi movie!
1. Ever seen an artichoke in flower?
2. When you leave half a red cabbage in the fridge for too long
3. We never knew a sprouting strawberry could look so scary
4. When you find your long-lost bag of potatoes
5. Apples can last a long time, but don't be surprised if you find sprouted seeds when you take a bite!
6. Wow, the flesh is still quite fresh, but a new avocado tree's already on its way!
7. A sprouting coconut - if you find one, eat it, as the flesh will be at its tastiest!
#8 No, they're not worms... it's just the seeds sprouting!
9. A red pepper protecting its babies
10. A sprouting tomato as seen from the inside
11. This sprouting red cabbage could make a pretty table display
12. A sprouting strawberry that's still attached to the plant
13. A sprout-filled papaya
14. Proof that potatoes don't need soil to sprout
15. Lemon pips that have sprouted inside the fruit
16. A perfectly formed mini apple tree!
17. Pumpkin seeds are delicious - before they sprout
18. Useful if you want to grow your own crop

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!