The 19 best designs of 2017 have just been unveiled
The “A’ Design Award & Competition” attracts a lot of creativity, and each year the competition draws inventors from around the world.

The 2017 winners have just been unveiled, and they’re so innovative that they could change the world as we know it - or at least make it a little more functional.
1. A French fry container with a little pocket for the ketchup or sauce - Dong Jiang
2. A piano-style packaging for cakes - Kazuaki Kawahara
3. Packaging for honey that turns into a Chinese checkerboard – Lu Zhao, Jian Zhang, Lin Huang, Tingyue Yan
4. Water and food for stray cats – Bahar Bostanc, Evrim Uvacin Isik
5. Instant noodle packaging that turns into a bowl – Cao Weizhi, Ding Jian, Chen Yuru
6. Packaging for chocolates that turns into a chessboard – Lu Zhao, Jian Zhang, Chaoyi Wang
7. Pasta packaging that draws attention to store shelves - Nikita Konkin
8. Anti-theft Travel Bra - Dr. Annie Holden and Brenda Barnett
9. Pinocchio tea ball – Soroush Vahidian, Mohammad Afkhami
10. A coffee cup that shows the temperature – Yi Teng Shih, Rengrui Xiang, Yuting Chen
11. A key holder that displays a color when a family member isn’t home – Vassilis Mylonadis
12. A multi-function chair – Yong Zhang,Ya-nan Shi
13. A coffee table decorated with feathers – Apiwat Chitapanya-Asia Collection
14. A whale-tail stool – Farzaneh Biazaran
15. A multi-function chair – Yi-An Hung, Yestudio
16. A robot that carries your belongings – Greg Lynn
17. An umbrella dryer installed at bus stops - National Taipei University of Technology
18. A bike case that protects floors from getting dirty - Gvido Bajars
19. A shower that looks like a trumpet – Vlad Mititelu

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!