19 cute photos of pets trying and failing to play hide and seek
Playing hide and seek is not a strong point when it comes to cats and dogs, as the following photos prove.

Pets love hiding away and clearly think they're masters of disguise, yet when they try and fail miserably it just makes them even more adorable.
Here are 19 hilarious photos of cats and dogs trying their best to be invisible.
1. This cat doesn't realize the curtains are semi-transparent
2. 98% hidden
3. A few inches more and it would have worked
4. Hiding in the undergrowth. Sort of.
5. Hiding while keeping an eye
6. Dark shelves are often cats' favourite hideaways
7. Nope, no idea where he's hidden
8. Blending into the sofa's throw
9. A hard stare
10. Cocooned
11. When the cat draws attention away from the dog
12. Where could he possibly be?
13. Cats and curtains, a match made in heaven
14. Even if they can be clearly seen!
15. Nice try!
16. Not bad for a puppy
17. Keeping a look out for intruders
18. When the eyes give the cat away
19. If they can't see you, you can't see them!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!