19 examples of people who only had one job and still managed to mess it up
Some jobs require a high level of education and/or skills. Others can be done with little or no training and yet some people still manage to mess up the easiest of tasks.

Think we're being nasty when we say that? Well, here are 19 examples that prove our point!
1. How could this even be possible?
(C) andrewclarke_ / instagram.com
2. The totally unusable mouse
3. When the laziest person in the world mows the lawn
4. Someone really doesn't want you to sit down
5. A subtle way to tell a driver they've parked in a no-parking zone
6. So near and yet so far
7. This one's for OCD sufferers
8. It only needs to be moved a few inches
9. We have no idea what they were thinking
10. When geography's not your best subject
11. Why you should never go to work with a hangover
12. Mmm, nice juicy red.... avocados?
(C) facingtheraven / instagram.com
13. No window = no light = Dracula's apartment?
14. Off with her head!
15. Essential back to school item?
16. Oh the irony!
17. Maybe Jesus came by during the night?
18. A bank robber's dream
(C) belgrade_phantom / instagram.com
19. Any idea why they did this?

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!