19 mesmerizing photos that prove angle is everything
When it comes to taking photos, angles can completely change our perception of the subject matter and we don't need to be Photoshop wizards in order to produce awesome shots. Depth, rotation and forced perspective can create optical illusions without a retouch in sight!

Here are 19 mind-boggling photos that are guaranteed to make you look twice!
1. When Cerberus answers the door
2. A guy with an amazing pair of feminine legs
3. It's a topsy-turvy world out there!
4. He looks pretty happy considering he's missing a body and three legs!
5. When your dad has 'little girl legs'...
6. Can't see anything strange? Look closer! Those aren't earrings!
7. Spot the street art... Can you tell the real buildings from the painted ones?
8. When your body becomes one with a lake
9. A little question...Who's holding the umbrella?
10. This referee must be related to Frozen's Elsa!
11. A mask? A cake? No, just a pretty insect!
12. When you hug your girlfriend so hard, you detach her head from her body...
13. He's either got an unusually small head or gigantic shoulders!
14. This one really messes with our brain... Was it just taken at the right moment or did she really stick her hair to this painting?
15. When a clever angle turns you into the Invisible Man
16. When your cat decides to vertically take-off
17. When your kitten's ear blends into your head
18. An amazing optical illusion thanks to the perfect angle!
19. When a flower puckers up for a kiss!
What about you? Do you have any 'optical illusions' in your album that you'd like to share? Just post them in the comments section below!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!