19 ordinary things seen from an extraordinary point of view
Mother Nature guards many secrets, and every now and then she’ll show us just how extraordinary our world can be.

For example, have you ever seen a blue and pink kiwi fruit or an iceberg that suddenly rolls over? Some people have been lucky enough to witness and snap astonishing natural events or press the shutter at exactly the right time. The results are nothing short of awesome!
Here are 19 ordinary things seen from an extraordinary point of view.
1. Spot the chameleon
2. A kiwi fruit photographed under UV light
3. Did you know that if you microwave birdseed, it comes out like mini-popcorn?
4. Excess glass dust at a windshield factory
5. Pigeon wings when held under a UV light
6. Get the timing right and you'll see how flocks of birds fly in a precise formation
7. A mole! Did you know they were so tiny?
© nastya__twt_ / Twitter © Depositphotos
8. A blue bee
9. Pigments from Ancient Egypt
10. Snow being blown off a mountain
11. When an iceberg rolls over
12. The insides of a tree trunk
13. A turtle the size of a quarter
14. Yellow watermelon
15. A square salt crystal
16. This is how polarization works
17. An albino peacock
18. When a cabbage sprouts
19. Africa's amazing Victoria Falls
© stacika_ / Twitter © Jurgen Bierlein / Pixabay

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!