19 perfectly timed photos
Life behind the lens can mean spending hours waiting for THE perfect shot.

And then there's unexpected split second timing! Happy, hilarious, disgusting, scary, incomprehensible and all of a sudden a boring snap becomes a work of art.
Here are 19 accidental, but perfectly timed photos
1. At least he didn't need to hold back her hair

© emilyw46f47e20c
“This is of my best friends’ cinnamon challenge attempt.” – emilyw46f47e20c
4. Chameleon woman!

© katies452dfb142
" Not sure how this happened, but I captured the split second before my eyes moved back to the same place". – katies452dfb142
5. Animals have nothing to hide. Except this girl wish they did!

© reneeh43bbed46b
7. When your eyes are bigger than your stomach. Or maybe not...

© Britt
"Set the ham down and the dog went flying." – Britt
8. Squawk!

© audreyw484b1cd2f
"Tried to take a selfie with our rescue bird, but he flipped the f out when I switched to front camera." – audreyw484b1cd2f
9. Winner of the most disturbing selfie

“My phone has a wide selfie feature similar to a panorama. You need to sit still for it to work. My girlfriend sneezed, and this happened.” – JuddJasper, Reddit
11. This photo gets our seal of approval!

"This is what happens when a seal runs into glass." – SirGrimes, Reddit
14. This is what happens when you don't change the litter tray

© mangoandmoe
“If you look at the cat you’ll see it’s mid-poop and I didn’t notice till after I took the shot.” – mangoandmoe
16. Now that's a slippery fish...

“My buddy caught a fish and the camera just happened to catch the exact moment it leapt from his hands.” – Dmatt575, Reddit
17. B***h!

“Picture of my daughter crawling, looks like she is writing profanity.” – foresttravestys, Reddit
18. How many times do I have to tell you? I don't want a nap!

© moosejaw
"She was sneezing." – moosejaw

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!