19 photos that illustrate how eccentric people can be
The word "eccentric" can have a negative meaning attached to it, but in reality most kooky people aren't crazy, menacing or dangerous.

Extroverts, for example, can be overly enthusiastic and may surprise us, but that doesn't mean they want to do us harm. Like all of us, they have their own way of doing things and are happy in their own skin. So, in honor of those who love to stand out from the crowd, we've put together this amusing selection of photos...
1. Chopsticks have many uses
2. When you can literally down your beer in one go
3. When the warmth of your hand can crack ice!
4. Someone who likes to work without a shirt
5. Why waste money installing a swimming pool?
6. One loyal patron
7. Easier than carrying them on her back?
8. Better than a bald head?
9. Any ideas why he'd choose this?
10. One rainy day...
11. Get wet and protect yourself at the same time
12. Getting into character?
13. Trying to secretly keep an eye on her kids
14. When your dog's too tired
15. Why not? There's no size limit!
16. Extreme ironing...
17. And they get down how exactly???
18. When a yoga fan takes a nap
19. Creepy but fascinating!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!