19 photos that prove kids' imaginations know no bounds
Children have a creativity that borders on genius, as this selection shows!

When we're young, our minds are open, and we don't follow stereotypes. We act freely, and with that comes creativity.
Here are 20 hilarious photos of kids showing off their imaginative prowess!
1. Improvised train and track
2. Because it's comfier than her bed
3. Her boy interrupted her to say that there was running water in the bathroom
4. When siblings fight
5. Kids and cars...
© Carbonfrk / Reddit, © Carbonfrk / Reddit
6. He offered to decorate his grandma's bathroom
7. They wanted to try all the cereals at once
8. She borrowed her toys' eyes
9. Because he wanted wireless ear pods
10. The art of hide 'n seek
11. His daughter takes this photo with her every time they go on vacation
12. Guess which one's the kid's chair
13. They preferred to sleep like this
14. Upset that there aren't puddles to jump in
15. And this kid thought their candy would still be edible
© Amockeryofthecistern / Reddit
16. Their kids decided they'd get bigger slices if they cut the pizza this way
17. She asked her son to make sure the paint was ok, so he checked with his foot...
18. She was allowed to choose a toy, so she chose a mango
19. He asked for an ice cream so he could cool down

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!