20 everyday situations guaranteed to put us in a bad mood
Life is full of ups and down, but sometimes it only takes the tiniest thing to completely hijack our day and put us in a foul mood. Sometimes it's our own stupid fault, but if there's one thing that gets us grinding our teeth down to the bone, it's the ignorance of others...

Here are 20 everyday situations that would frustrate even the calmest of people.
1. When your room number's missing
2. When someone can't be bothered to spread out the topping
3. When we accidentally lose the page we're reading and can't remember the page number
4. When someone blocks us in
5. When you accidentally press the wrong button
6. When your notifications are repeated every minute
7. When something sets off your OCD
8. When books in a collection aren't the same size or design
9. When you've bought the only piece of fruit that has more pith than flesh
10. When people give false impressions
11. When a badly parked camper van takes up four places
12. When your blender breaks down mid-smoothie or soup
13. When one DVD in a box set doesn't match the others
14. When we accidentally close our browser
15. When someone blocks your view so that they can take a photo
16. When tabs go completely crazy
17. When people can't be bothered to properly park
18. When the sticker won't peel off
19. When you have a Kit-Kat (or other candy bar) fail
20. When a so-called professional's too lazy to do a good job

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!