20 of the funniest workplace pranks
Some workplace pranks fall flat, but there are plenty of others that make us laugh our heads off.
Not all workplaces are gloomy or depressing, and injecting a bit of humor can be beneficial to employees in a number of ways. It's not about turning your office into Party Central, but having a bit of fun can go a long way to making our 9 to 5 better!
Here are 20 pranks that show the benefit of humor at work!
1. When your co-worker uses your phone and leaves you a little surprise
2. He photocopied his face and attached this to ventilation shaft
3. The day they won a bet
4. Because it's wise to eat a healthy diet...
5. One to try if you know a crazy cat person
6. There's always someone who has to sample them all...
7. Fancy a bit of bling?
8. Position Number 1
9. Or maybe Position Number 2?
10.Nah, Position Number 3 hits the mark!
11. Paleontologists at Halloween
12. The Naughty Box
13. Their last day working for Google before they left to work for Bing!
14. They returned from vacation to find their boss had upgraded their system
15. Because people are always looking for Ed
16. She dressed up as her colleague for Halloween
17. Give this to a flat-Earther!
18. His leaving gift was a self-portait cushion...
19. She didn't lie when she said she'd baked a cheesecake
20. Efficient and precise
By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!