20 funny ways to liven up a class or presentation
Whether you're the one teaching/giving a presentation or a student/attendee obliged to take part, there's no denying that sometimes it's hard to keep your audience captivated or stay awake in a hot, stuffy room... That's why we've decided to put together this hilarious selection of photos in the hope that anyone faced with a yawning class will be able to liven things up a little!
Here are 21 ways to transform a boring class or presentation into a memorable event that's guaranteed to keep everyone's attention. Why not give it a try and let us know how it went!
1. The hot chemistry teacher
Most chemistry classes require demonstrations, but this guy takes them to a whole new level! Why settle for a simple Bunsen burner experiment when you can leap onto a work bench and show your class how it really should be done? Just make sure you don't set fire to the classroom!
2. Because everyone loves Grumpy Cat
3. Offer your students rewards
Don't settle for candy if you want to congratulate your students... This guy promised to dress up as Scooby Doo and offer everyone a glass of champagne if they all got A's for their homework... What better way to motivate a class?
4. Make deliberate mistakes in order to keep everyone's attention!
(For example morph Nelson Mandela into Morgan Freeman!)
5. Invent creative ways to increase your income!
Hilarious! One student turned up with his parents to an Open House and found this up on the wall.
6. At the risk of being a Grammar Nazi, this guy needs a proofreader!
7. When your chemistry teacher is a secret Lady Gaga fan...
8. Why not bring a few mascots to class?
9. You could also unwittingly intrigue workers in the opposite building!
10. A subtle, creative PowerPoint presentation!
11. Use visuals to make sure your students pay attention!
12. Be brief and concise when using presentation slides
13. Provide examples that everyone will understand
14. Use past vs present comparisons
15. Use references that everyone will relate to!
16. Get creative with photos to encourage students to sign up to your class
17. PowerPoint slides are an easy, fun way to get the message across!
18. From the days when the Cosby Show was primetime viewing
19. Another hilarious use of comparisons!
20. And if none of the above work, just ask for help!
By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!