20 hilarious pranks that we wish we'd thought of ourselves!
We spend so much of our time feeling stressed that a little light relief is essential if we're to keep our sanity. And playing a gentle prank on someone is one of the best ways to cheer up a dreary day!

So we've put together a list of 20 pranks that prove just how good some people are at poking a bit of fun at others - in the nicest possible way of course!
1. "One of my co-workers confessed that he's Robert Pattinson fan, so I prepared a little surprise for him whilst he was away at a meeting."
2. "Our friend loves boules, so we decided to build a mini green in his room!"
3. This kid decided to prank his dentist!
4. "When I was on vacation, my co-workers wrapped up everything in my office in aluminum foil!"
5. "My roommate is super-tidy, so I decided to surround their bed with 1,100 plastic cups filled with water."
6. "My uncle asked me to take delivery of his new TV whilst he was on vacation. It goes without saying that I pranked him!"
7. "This was an April Fool's joke we played at the office. These doors are 500 feet apart!"
8. "This office is used by an accountant and the head of IT. Since last week, the first one to arrive gets to use the office, but today one of them decided to step things up a notch!"
9. Heart attack-inducing prank! Eek!
10. When you return from vacation to find that your office has become a garden...
11. When you want to send your co-worker into full-on panic mode
12. We love this April Fool's joke
13. "My neighbors went to see 'It' and they got back home just before nightfall..."
14. "I got back from vacationing at my parents on a Sunday evening to find that my roommates had turned my room into a closet."
15. "My roommates decided to redecorate my room whilst I was away. I'm 21 years old and I'm a guy!"
16. "When I got back from vacation I couldn't find my mug and no one knew where it was. A couple of days later I noticed something on the ceiling..."
17. "My co-worker gave me a bar of chocolate to cheer me up as they know how much I love it..."
18. This guy pranked his girlfriend by swapping her pistachio ice cream for wasabi!
19. A genius idea!
20. "My wife asked me to cut her sandwich exactly in two, so I got creative!"
The thing about pranks is that once one person gets the ball rolling, we have to retaliate in just as much style. What about you? Any good prank stories you'd like to share with us?

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!