20 mind-blowing natural phenomena
Never underestimate the force of nature... We only have to look at recent climatic events to realize that we are powerless against its capricious nature. But there's also a softer side to our planet - a world of beauty and natural phenomena that are nothing short of jaw-dropping!

Here are 20 photos of natural phenomena that will leave you speechless.
1. The Aurore Borealis in Australia, as seen from a cave with a mouth that looks just like the country!
This is more than fluke... The Northern and Southern lights can be seen in lots of countries (Scandinavia, Scotland, Australia...). They appear when charged particles from the sun collide with atoms in the Earth's upper atmosphere and create an awesome, multi-colored display. Did you know that similar phenomena have been spotted on other planets in our solar system, including Mars, Jupiter and Saturn?
2. Rainbows created by moonlight
This rainbow or moonbow appeared during a full moon after the rain had stopped. Native American Indians believe that rainbows bring good luck and that anyone who sees a moonbow will develop an ability to communicate with spirits.
3. A lava flow that looks like Dante's Inferno
This lava flow circled the mouth of a volcano and as it cooled, it formed eerie shapes that look like people falling into Hell's inferno. Interestingly similar lava flows are found on the moon (and other planets) meaning that scientists believe this material could be used as the building blocks for constructing a lunar base.
4. Where Heaven and Earth meet on the horizon
Gibbs in Pirates of the Caribbean and many of Jules Verne's characters spoke about this magnificent, but slightly eerie light that seems to separate the Earth from Heaven. This extremely rare phenomena only lasts a few seconds and its colors can range from greens to blues and reds.
5. A magnificent opal worth almost $20,000
It may not be the most expensive opal in the world, but it's certainly the most beautiful. Opals were once as valuable and as sought after as diamonds. Sadly, during the 19th Century opals fell out of fashion because authors began to associate them with pestilence, famine and the fall of monarchies, meaning the price of this amazing stones dropped. Good news for those of us who love sparkly things, but don't have a 'precious stone budget'!
6. Glowing shores
These awesome, glowing waves are formed by a high concentration of algae and bioluminescent plankton. If you're in the right place (the Maldives for example) on a clear night, you may well find yourself strolling along a beach bathed in a magical, fluorescent light.
7. Volcanic ball lightning - a mystery that took centuries to explain
Volcanic ball lightning forms during violent storms caused by huge eruptions. These dramatic explosions of ash and volcanic vapors used to make people think the Earth was literally exploding and catastrophic ecological and environmental events often followed their appearance.
8. The zodiacal light that inspired Queen's lead guitarist to do his PhD
There are few things more beautiful than when space dust and sunlight merge. This mind-blowing spectacle inspired Brian May to go back to studying astrophysics and publish a PhD on the subject.
9. Day and nighttime halos
It's amazing what light reflecting off snow can do! This optical phenomenon manifests as a bright light surrounded by halos of light. Once upon a time people thought they were seeing multiple suns or moons as well as UFO's - Shakespeare even referred to these lights in Henry VI. Even today, some religions believe that seeing these 'multiple' suns means a curse is upon us.
10. Mushrooms that look like aliens
Known as 'Devil's Fingers', the Clathrus archeri mushroom is a rare species native to Australia. It usually grows in mossy, lichenous areas.
11. Light beams from heaven
These light beams actually shoot up from the ground! They're formed by light reflecting off ice and when dozens appear at once, it looks like a 'forest of light'.
12. Fire columns
Legends claim that these are genies, demons or other evil entities - when a fiery tornado appeared, it meant that demonic forces were breaking free from Hell's fire. This rare phenomenon is breathtaking and extremely hot! Columns of fire can reach a blistering 2,000 °C!
13. Cotton ball clouds
These cloud formations are extremely rare and a sight to behold! They're so heavy that they seem to hang in the sky, even if strong winds are blowing!
14. Lightning that forms a luminous ball
Science has yet to explain this extraordinary natural phenomenon! Impressive videos of nighttime storms, where flashes of lightning turn into balls of light, litter social networks. Watch this space!
15. Fata Morgana or the legend of the floating boat
According to Arthurian legends, the sorceress Morgan le Fay would create mirages in order to lure sailors to their death! This gave birth to stories of floating boats and mysterious islands. Nowadays we know that this optical illusion is caused by color and water density variations. Even so, the effect is really creepy!
16. Solar eclipses
Even if they're not always visible, solar eclipses happen several times a year! We know this thanks to eclipses being documented throughout history. Despite their frequency, to watch a solar eclipse is nothing short of awesome!
17. A rainbow in the clouds
This rare sight is caused when ice crystals, clouds and sunlight merge. The sun's rays appear to set the clouds on fire as they move across the sky.
18. The Devil's tree
Don't worry, there's no dark magic at play, even if you think the tree's about to spew fiery demons! This happens when lightning strikes a tree and it starts to slowly burn from the inside out. It can burn for several days before it suddenly explodes into a ball of flames.
19. Heavenly vortexes
Storms can create clouds of water and if winds are particularly strong they can form tornados that suck water out of the sea. These tornados can carry the water over several miles before releasing it in a violent downpour. This is why you'll hear stories of fish, frogs, algae and other aquatic things falling from the skies. Maybe this is where the saying 'raining cats and dogs' comes from?
That said, it could just be some kid playing their favorite board game?
20. The Golden Ratio
According to scientists, The Golden or Divine ratio is all around us - it's the mathematical value that governs everything on Earth. Africa, the 'cradle of mankind' is a continent with Golden Ratio proportions and the same formula can be applied to other galaxies and a number of natural events (such as hurricanes). Proof enough that nature, in all its forms, is not a force to be reckoned with!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!