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  3. 20 of the most awesome teachers ever

20 of the most awesome teachers ever

Do you like your teacher? Probably not. But if they’re good, then you should appreciate them.

Illustration : "20 of the most awesome teachers ever"

After all, school can be boring sometimes, and it takes a very special teacher to keep you awake and prevent you from sleeping on your desk in every class.

1. This Iranian boy has cancer, so his teacher visits him in the hospital every day to tell him what he missed in school.

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2. A university student took her baby to school because she couldn’t afford child care. When he began to cry, the teacher held him to calm him down, while continuing to teach.

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3. A teacher finds one of his students under debris from a tornado.

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4. Here's my gay teacher the day after one student said, "I'm glad gays can’t get married here. They scare me, a little like clowns."

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5. When a teacher complimented a student on his cool shoes, the entire class bought him the same pair for Christmas.

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6. One teacher wore the same outfit in his school pictures for 40 years.

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7. Teachers go to school in pajamas to protest 7:00 am finals.

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8. A student wakes up when his teacher starts clapping near him, and he starts to clap too.

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9. One of my students was smoking in the bathroom, so I waited outside to suspend her.

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10. A physics teacher explains liquids. "Cats are liquids. Liquids... take the shape of the container while maintaining a constant volume. That's it. So cats are liquids."

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11. A teacher promised his students that he would wear a Scooby Doo costume if everyone got a good grade on the final exam. They succeeded, so he dressed up like he promised.

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12. Three teachers came up with wacky ideas for their school pictures.

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13. A teacher rides his skateboard to school every day.

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14. A teacher draws amazing art on the board to inspire his students.

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15. During a break, students discover what their teacher actually drinks: "Students' Tears"

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16. A teacher didn’t have a world map, so he drew one from memory.

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17. A teacher finds an abandoned kitten near the school - this is how she teaches.

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18. A kindergarten teacher lets her students draw on her dress on the last day of school.

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19. A student fell asleep in class, so the teacher took a picture with him.

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20. This biology teacher uses a very special method to teach the human body in school.

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Source: BoredPanda