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  3. 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

20 most hilarious design errors of all time

The hilarious design errors below prove that designers are always on the verge of messing everything up.

Illustration : "20 most hilarious design errors of all time"

The creators of the odd things in the following photos probably didn’t have any bad intentions, but their creations proved more fun than practical in most cases.

1. How much do you trust your multilingual ad designer?

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

2. This bus

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

3. Being gay was a sin, they said…

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

4. This amazing pregnancy test

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

5. "Shit yourself"

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

6. Mirrors on the ceiling in the bathroom

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

7. Two flamingos, one vagina

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

8. We are borgs - resistance is futile

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

9. This dress with pretty flowers

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

10. I know that this cake is supposed to be a number 1 with the name "Emma," but it looks like a penis with “weed” written on it…

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

11. Love handles...

...Unfortunate placement

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

12. My arms are really long, so this wasn't a problem for me…

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

14. "Artistic kid dies"

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

15. "Attention - toilet only for disabled, elderly, pregnant children"

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

16. Never spread your legs apart when you slide!

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

17. This meme says it all…

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

18. This children's balloon...

"They couldn't find a better place to blow up this balloon?"

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

19. Thank you for reminding me - "You're alone"

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

20. This maze...

Illustration de l'article : 20 most hilarious design errors of all time

Source: BoredPanda