20 people who snapped and shared a moment of happiness
Life is full of surprises, and when they're happy ones it's lovely to be able to share them with the rest of the world. So get ready for some smile-inducing snaps...

In a world where we can feel bombarded by bad news, it's easy to think that nothing good will come our way. So when it does, be it a big event or a small pleasure, it can change our outlook on life - just like these 20 heart-warming photos!
1. Guess where he found his lost AirPods...
2. A butterfly with a secret code on its wings
3. When you match a book cover
4. Perfectly-placed butterfly
5. The day she met her idol, Damien Echols
6. Her home is a PokeStop
7. When you find your lost cat and he gives you a high 5!
8. Blending in with the latest litter
9. When your kids find this the most entertaining thing in the world
10. After suffering a miscarriage, this couple welcomed twins!
11. This girl only had a 20% chance of surviving after her birth - just look at her now!
© DontWorryImMedicated / Imgur
12. Definition of "cute"
13. It snuck in during the night
14. The joys of finding your perfect spatula
15. This doctor was on call the night his wife went into labor
© Callthecopswhenyouseetupac / Imgur
16. Then and now - bravo!
17. When years of IVF finally pay off
18. Very close call
19. When your alarm clock is a kitten

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!