20 photos of situations where something weird's going on
Some photos raise more questions than answers. And the following is just the tip of a very confusing iceberg!

We've all come across situations that make us do a double take or leave us scratching our heads. And if we don't have enough confusion in our lives already, there are plenty of netizens who've snapped and shared a photo of their strange encounter, much to the delight of us all
Just check out these 20 photos - we hope you aren't as perplexed as we are!
1. The art of making an avocado sandwich
2. No so much perplexing as REALLY irritating
3. They're not sure which kid did this
4. Choose your manicurist wisely
5. Take a selfie with your goldfish
6. Stocking up...
7. In case you want to know if it shreds tortillas
8. He forgot his headphones
9. Put your life in their hands
10. Making a statement
11. Any idea how they managed this?
12. A future trend?
13. This just seems so wrong
14. What is wrong with people?
15. See above
16. Improvisation skills
17. Treating a movie theater like a home from home
18. We're lost for words
19. Fidget spinner sandwich
20. Alternative cartwheeling

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!