20 photos of weird and wonderful situations that were caught on camera
Who doesn't enjoy seeing photos of unexpected encounters and surprising discoveries? Here's just a small selection to keep you entertained...

When we amble down a street, we never know if we'll stumble upon some crazy situation. From funny surprises to freaky coincidences, the following people certainly had their fair share. And to the delight of us all, they managed to take a snap and share their experience with the rest of us.
Here are 20 photos that illustrate some of the more unexpected encounters in life.
1. When you meet someone who's well over 6ft tall
2. The way light reflects in this room suggests there are two suns in the sky
3. They accidentally walked on and set off this flare
4. When someone parks a truck in front of your house just as your son is playing with his toy
5. Vitiligo under UV light
© Tiny_Application_420 / reddit
6. A giant, giant sunflower
7. Ever seen a stone man?
8. Dog paw prints that have been there for around 100 years
9. Return of the dinosaurs
10. When your burrito has its own little bag
11. A sprouting sponge
12. This frog sneaked in during the night
13. This suddenly appeared...
14. No, it's not a grilled cheese sandwich!
15. When you look like a book cover illustration
16. And now a sprouting radiator
17. Home-grown tomato
18. A cat with extra toes
19. A geode that features a seascape
20. When a butterfly matches your sneakers

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!