20 really odd situations snapped around the world
Is the world going crazy? Some days, we think that may well be the case and it applies to all four corners of the world.

We've all met people or come across situations that defy normality and you just have to look at the following photos to understand what we mean.
1. When a man believes he's living in Ancient Rome
2. They deserve free ice cream for life after finding this
3. Maybe someone covered it in honey?
4. When you wake and find this...
5. Imagine the buzzing noise!
6. The most complicated elevator in the world
7. Someone has a sense of humor
8. How long before a kid gets stuck?
9. Clever cat!
10. Personalized service
11. Defying the laws of gravity
12. Simple and effective
13. Just don't dive in!
14. Why not? Pets deserve their own tent...
15. When it's so hot even the benches melt
16. When the weight of your wife makes up for a missing wheel
17. They look pretty comfy too
18. To be and not to be with your friends
19. Wonder how fast you could peddle away on this
20. Just waiting for his turn

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!