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  5. 20 reasons why Australia is a unique country

20 reasons why Australia is a unique country

If there's one country on many people's bucket list, it's Australia. A country as atypical as it is attractive, both vast, yet densely populated in certain areas. It's also home to numerous species of animals that you won't see anywhere else in the world. Kangaroos and deadly snakes often spring to mind!

Illustration : "20 reasons why Australia is a unique country"

Australians live a lifestyle that's also alien to those of us living in temperate climates. Flying from Europe takes around 24 hours and usually involves a stopover. So, if you've ever fancied visiting Oz, then check out these fascinating facts!

1. You'll see kangaroos in the strangest of places

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© kindreddovahkiin / reddit

2. People wrap up when the temperature drops below 25°C/77°F

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© NoHellCanStopMe / imgur

3. In Australia, a fan is also your best friend

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© Foamparties / reddit

4. And your freezer will always be stocked up on ice cubes

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© unknown / imgur

5. If unprotected, any part of your skin will burn in a flash

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© GoodCelery / reddit

6. So hot they even put their sneakers in the fridge

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7. Everything melts in Australia

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© AegonnTargaryen / imgur

8. Even the cold faucet runs hot water

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© unknown / imgur

9. In 2011, 64,390 Australians put 'Jedi' under the religion section of a census and it's now a recognized religion!

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© Star Wars / lucasfilm

10. Aussie humor!

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© getjoacookie / reddit

11. Always look before you touch!

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© Jmon1851 / reddit

12. They have some super cute animals Down Under

13. If you weren't convinced by the above photo!

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© DanManGan / imgur

14. A creative Koala!

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© D_S_W / reddit

15. Bit too close for comfort...

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© unknown / imgur

16. Anna Creek, the world's largest cattle station

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17. Strange-looking pigs!

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18. 1859, 24 rabbits were released into the outback... Guess how many there are today!

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© Unknown / wikipedia.org

19. Even the trees can be dangerous!

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© PHAssociate / reddit

20. Australia has in independent principality - Hutt River, a farm owned by Leonard Casley that he declared independent in 1970

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© Seb az86556 / commons.wikimedia.org