20 restaurants that take food presentation to a whole new level
Restaurant food presentation needs to be impeccable, but some establishments seem to confuse originality with hilarity!

By needing to stand out from the competition, chefs can sometimes get carried away by plating up food in some quite incredible ways - and that's not always a positive thing!
Here are 20 photos taken in restaurants that like to get creative when plating up food...
1. A cocktail served in a bath complete with a rubber duck
2. So all the sauce oozes out...
3. Tacos hanging out to dry?
4. Corn dogs on a ceramic cushion
5. All-in-one coffee and donut
6. Churros served in a shoe...
7. Any idea what this could be?
8. Fancy some barf?
9. Delivered in a truck
10. A donut tree
11. Why the hand???
12. There's soup underneath the parsley...
13. How to upcycle a tool box
14. And recycle egg boxes!
15. Because who doesn't love eating from a dog bowl?
16. Shoe box. Now we've seen it all...
17. Served on raw potatoes
18. Drink your soup from a shell
19. For a natural touch?
20. Would you pay for this Cesar salad?

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!