20 unbelievable before-and-after weight loss photos
Every year as summer gets closer, we all try desperately to shed a few pounds. With motivation and desire, anything is possible. This is what we’re showing you with this compilation of 20 people who have managed to lose weight thanks to their perseverance!

Way to go!
1. Kate Writer used to weigh 265 pounds, and she lost 121 pounds in nine months.
2. I went from 600 pounds to 230 pounds in three years.
3. I lost 110 pounds in 7 years.
4. From 270 pounds to 135 pounds in just over a year.
5. I lost 71 pounds.
6. Through thick and thin…
7. A new mom lost 100 pounds when she found out that her husband was cheating on her and calling her a cow behind her back.
8. 170 pounds in less than a year
9. Congratulations to my girlfriend!
10. This homeless man who ate more than 10,000 calories a day in fast food lost 140 pounds and found love.
11. When he was told he would die if he didn’t lose weight, Pat lost 325 pounds.
12. Paul Mason, the heaviest man in the world, after losing more than 700 pounds in five years.
13. This girl was an alcoholic but she lost 165 pounds after she stopped drinking.
14. One year weight loss anniversary
15. From 320 pounds to 120 pounds.
16. This is what losing 160 pounds looks like.
17. My sister, before and after losing 168 pounds in 11 months.
18. Before and after weight loss.
19. I lost 100 pounds.
20. I lost 195 pounds.
Source: BoredPanda

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!