21 amazing photos that will move you! Which ones are the most memorable?
These photos come from the real world and should surprise you. 22 amazing photos that will move you! Which ones are the most memorable?

1. The skeleton of St. Constantin in Rorschach, Switzerland
2. A German stadium transformed into a giant lounge for the 2014 World Cup
3. Underwater photograph of a group of tadpoles
4. Tutankhamun’s 3300-year old dagger and its sheath
5. Cro-magnon painting of a bison in Altamira
These cave paintings would date to between 35000 and 13500 BC.
6. A murrine from Loren Stump, and each slice sells for $5,000
Murrine is a Venetian method of working glass, which consists of stacking colored rods in a long and thick single cane (like a loaf of bread). The pattern is revealed when the murrine is cut into slices.
7. A Dutch supermarket lets you test the brands of toilet paper it sells.
8. A prosthetic beak for an eagle injured by poachers
9. An X-ray view of a 300-pound man
10. The back of a professional Japanese wrestler
11. The armor of Turkish rider and his mount (1450-1550)
12. A Formula1 V12 from the 1970s
13. A vierling: an old German rifle
14. The menu from the last meal served on board the Titanic
See also some little-known facts about the Titanic
15. This is how Jaime Lannister’s prosthesis is made in “Game of Thrones”
16. Japanese fans cleaning up after a game during the World Cup
17. The armor of an officer of the Guard of the Imperial Chinese Palace
18. The surface of a human brain
19. The Gate of Angkor Thom in Cambodia
20. A lion fights crocodiles over a hippo in Kenya
21. 54 decapitated Vikings found in Dorset, executed in approximately 900 – 1030 AD

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!