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  4. 21 photos that look like something else

21 photos that look like something else

Does your vision play tricks on you? Do you see a ghost? Have you discovered a 2-headed animal? In the following photos, your vision may be a little cloudy. Blink and take another look, because things may not be what they appear.

Illustration : "21 photos that look like something else"

Your mind sometimes has fun surprising you. Or maybe situations and behaviors cause this kind of confusion that stimulates your mind. They are frightening, laughable, or completely crazy.

Below, you’ll find some photos that will surely make you take another look.

1. 2 dogs merged into 1?!

Illustration de l'article : 21 photos that look like something else

© headhuntress / Pikabu

2. Good morning, beautiful bear!

Illustration de l'article : 21 photos that look like something else

© iProcione / Pikabu

3. A beach invaded by giant ducklings!

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© georginasally / Twitter

4. What’s going on here?

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© Proof70 / Reddit

5. The spine is an amazing thing!

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© shellyy_17 / Twitter

6. An optical illusion!

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© VLStetson / Pikabu

7. This tabby cat fits perfectly in the painting…

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© ddh85 / Reddit

8. A flying whale!

Illustration de l'article : 21 photos that look like something else

© bakablitz / Reddit

9. An owl’s face or a nut?

Illustration de l'article : 21 photos that look like something else

© JonisAegon / Reddit

10. Which direction is she facing?

Illustration de l'article : 21 photos that look like something else

© hanni_bal / Reddit

11. My eggs are crying…

Illustration de l'article : 21 photos that look like something else

© Woahbaby55 / Reddit

12. The aging of wheat...?

Illustration de l'article : 21 photos that look like something else

© ayoforyayonmayo / Reddit

13. “I had big hands as a child.”

Illustration de l'article : 21 photos that look like something else

© Texan0utlaw / Reddit

14. Wooden legs

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© Nemnock3113 / Reddit

15. Ummmm...

Illustration de l'article : 21 photos that look like something else

© shyggar / Reddit

16. A giant bird in the sky!

Illustration de l'article : 21 photos that look like something else

© u/bukaed / Reddit

17. My grade is…salsa? Or 59/59?

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© lupomeme / Imgur

18. One lens filled, the other empty

Illustration de l'article : 21 photos that look like something else

© mttogo / Reddit

19. Is it a painting?

Illustration de l'article : 21 photos that look like something else

© starpainter / Reddit

20. Scooby Doo!

Illustration de l'article : 21 photos that look like something else

© PunnyPan / Reddit

21. Your head looks just like a seat!

Illustration de l'article : 21 photos that look like something else

© dopreS0891 / Pikabu