21 things that future generations will certainly never understand... Check them out!!
What causes the gap between generations?

Improvements in technology and inventions are likely part of the debate...
On Twitter, using the hashtag #TodayskidsWillNeverKnow, internet users add all the recent things that future generations will never know.
Future generations will never understand having to roll down the car window by hand, or even the Nokia 3310 and all the other phones with keypads that have fallen into oblivion.
Examples of some things that future kids may never know:
2. The T9
3. Disney Channel was so much better!
4. Minikeums (a French kids’ show)
5. The difficulty of playing your Gameboy in the dark or in the shade... And also the sun, to a certain extent
6. These bracelets
7. The generic "Once Upon a Time ... Life" (a kids’ show about the human body that aired in many countries)
8. This box that everyone had to have for art class
9. The importance of being able to master “WordArt” in order to make a quality presentation
10. This incredibly difficult game!
11. The promise of an hour of class without any work
12. Going to rent movies to get ready for movie night
13. Three pixels that chase each other, which we got emotionally attached to all the same...
14. This totally impossible game with traumatic jumps and traps
15. The collection of Disney VHS tapes
16. Rayman educational support
17. The fortune teller, and the little messages that you could put inside it...
18. Windows bugs and crashes
19. The scooter
20. Our eternal ally when the internet didn’t work
21. This type of window, an endangered species, which gave us a workout whenever we wanted to roll down the window

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!