22 completely ridiculous inventions for women
There are plenty of cool inventions and life hacks that target women. And then there are the others... From LED false eyelashes to face masks that shoot electric currents into your face, some are so crazy that we don't know whether to laugh or cry.

To give you an idea, here are 22 completely ridiculous inventions that designers thought would make women's lives easier. Suffice to say, we're not convinced!
1. LED false eyelashes - a revolutionary idea that we really don't need
2. An electric shock mask for the scariest facial ever
3. A terrifying anti-wrinkle sheet mask
4. Eyelid trainer...
© ShuangYanPiMeiRongQi/facebook
5. Forget fillers - just give your lips a work-out
6. Apparently it's called a 'Face Slimmer Exercise Mouthpiece'
7. A contraption that gives you a slim, pointy nose
8. Allergic to lipstick? Then invest in a lip sticker!
9. A fake face for a flawless complexion
10. So you can take your goldfish to work
11. Hand-pumped nail varnish dryer
12. So you can clip your nails in once go (ouch!)
13. Sippers with integrated dustpan and brush
14. Roller buggy (this is actually quite cool!)
15. Wash and walk...
16. A paper towel that preserves your dignity whilst you enjoy your 'big mouthful of hamburger'.
17. Shoe umbrellas - you still need to avoid puddles!
18. A full body umbrella
19. Portable changing room so you can switch outfits whilst you're on the move
20. A bra with integrated water bag. Also works with wine...
21. Bra with integrated credit card and cell phone pockets
22. A calorie-counting fork
As you can see, there's some pretty whacky stuff out there. But what about you? Any ideas up your sleeve? You never know, they could make you a fortune!
Photo credits: Joy Li/twitter, boingboing

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!