22 grandparents who prove that you can be really cool no matter how old you are!
Grandparents are great! They spoil us, let us do things our moms and dads don't and make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Most of us have spent vacations at our grandparents' home and they're precious times that we miss when they're no longer with us.

Here are 22 grandparents who are proof that despite our age, we're all kids at heart and a few wrinkles or gray hairs doesn't mean we're over the hill when it comes to having fun. What about your grandparents? Any stories you'd like to share with us?
1. A grandma telling off a pelican that snapped at her bag
2. This 86 year-old grandma has this photo in her kitchen, proving we're never too old to have a crush!
3. The profile picture of an 83 year-old grandma who'd just created a Facebook account!
4. "When I got home from work I found my grandma was feeling pleased with herself after she repaired my jeans!"
5. This guy was spending the night at his grandma's, but forgot to take any pajamas... Guess what happened next!
6. When you turn up at your grandparents' house and see this!
7. When a grandma crochets a cover for her son's spare tire!
8. "My grandad found the Batman mask I played with as a kid and sent me this photo!"
9. This grandad was always talking about his wild pool parties. One day his grandson found a photo that showed exactly what went on...
10. When a woman hired a Wonder Woman costume for Halloween, she found it was too big. Her grandma wanted to try it on and seems pretty happy with the result!
11. When your Italian grandma comes to visit...
12. When this grandad was forced to take an art class, he decided to let his thoughts be known!
13. The coolest grandma on the block!
14. Hilarious comeback by a grandmother on her daughter's Timeline!
15. An elderly couple waiting for each other outside a mall...
16. Check out how this grandma spent New Year's Eve whilst on a cruise! We bet her granddaughter was really jealous when she found this photo!
17. Hilarious! A grandma who discovered Photoshop and pasted Leonardo DiCaprio's photo over her husband's face!
18. "Don't even think about mugging us!"
19. This grandma turned up to her grandson's wedding dressed as Princess Leia!
20. "So, grandad, what's this about you hating your retirement home?"
21. When your grandad's as cool as Marlon Brando
22. A grandma's favorite cactus. It's 20 years old and is called Dolly Parton…

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!