22 people who were proud to show off an insane moment!
Have you ever seen a photo and wondered “whatever made you do that?" It's sometimes hard to understand peoples' logic, but we'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume there's some meaning behind the madness...

From hilarious to puzzling here are 22 people who were proud to show off their moment of insanity!
1. Because serving popcorn in a urinal is normal???
© MaxCharacterLimit-20 / reddit
2. Stairway to...?
3. When you invite spiders over for a cup of tea
4. Fancy this for breakfast?
© IAmTheMemeConnoisseur / imgur
5. A barf-inducing idea!
© IAmTheMemeConnoisseur / imgur
6. If you want to prank your vegetarian friends...
© IAmTheMemeConnoisseur / imgur
7. Maybe it's an anti-theft measure?
8. Mustard and vanilla...
9. When someone's pining for the seaside
10. A very shocked palm tree
11. Hilarious!
12. Some people should be banned from the kitchen
13. Because SD cards need extra protection?
14. How to ensure you get a divorce
15. Oranges and lemons...
16. We dare you to eat this!
17. Because beer's too precious to leave behind
18. Just a visiting giraffe
19. Interesting choice of accessory!
20. Definition of masochism!
21. A work of art?
22. When your roast chicken tries to escape

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!