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  4. 22 photos that require a second look

22 photos that require a second look

“I don’t believe my eyes!” Surely, you’ve said this expression at least once in your life. People use it regularly for many situations, when things appear differently from what they actually are.

Illustration : "22 photos that require a second look"

The bottom line is that you see something in front of your eyes that you never thought you would ever see. A surprise, an event, a strange scene, or a posture… Have a look for yourself.

1. It looks like 3 ghosts waiting for the bus.

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that require a second look

© drawkward- / reddit

2. The things you find when cleaning out the bathroom. This jar isn’t full of seashells. It’s pasta and it hadn’t been opened for 15 years!

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© saidiecat / reddit

3. Yum, caviar! Actually no, these are hydrogel balls...

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© alexbaugh666 / reddit

4. It looks like the hyena is shaking this child's hand!

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© ihavenotattoos / reddit

5. Try to figure out this image... It's hard to see whose legs these are.

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© jgpirie / reddit

6. Is this a mirror or a window? The hands actually belong to the guy in the white shirt.

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© adija1 / reddit

7. There are a few too many escalators in this store, or the mirrors are playing tricks on us.

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© Fischifischfisch / reddit

8. “This was my dog’s fur after he got shaved.”

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© lostinthelandofoz / reddit

9. An unplanned date, made possible with a mirror!

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that require a second look

© Griffsterometer / reddit

10. When your friend ruins everything!

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that require a second look

© peanutbutterblam / reddit

11. These are spots on a towel that look like painted squirrels.

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© Allanah_Mullen / twitter

12. Is the head attached to the rest of the body?

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that require a second look

© h0ntor / reddit

13. Are we in a forest or is it photo wallpaper?

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that require a second look

© Gypsy-Horror / reddit

14. This magazine is perfectly placed.

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© MrChlenos / pikabu

15. No, these aren’t pumpkins. They’re actually rolls!

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that require a second look

© WorestFittaker / reddit

16. A cloud shaped like a feather

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that require a second look

© mrashtail / reddit

17. Help, a crocodile!!! Or maybe just piece of wood...

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that require a second look

© ChompyTM / imgur

18. The leaves weren’t painted to match the house. It’s their natural color!

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that require a second look

© hen32 / reddit

19. A camera effect makes the drumsticks look bent.

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that require a second look

© oct8vius / reddit

20. Is it a picture in a frame? No, it’s actually a TV!

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that require a second look

© SeanV2oh / reddit

21. The difference in lighting between the rooms of a brother and a sister at the same time of day!

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that require a second look

© an-angry-bee / reddit

22. They’re mop heads, but don’t they look like ground beef?

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that require a second look

© lewisisgud / reddit