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  3. 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

22 photos that show why women live longer than men

Men are less cautious than women, that’s a fact.

Illustration : "22 photos that show why women live longer than men"

And it is partly for this reason that car insurance is more expensive for them than for women. Do you think there’s some basis in this reasoning?

Check out these 22 photos ... They will literally change your mind about it!

1. When you didn’t get a degree in engineering...

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) electrictrad

2. Rules were made to be broken

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) wolf8668

3. When you find that you don’t have enough adrenaline in the office

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men


4. When you work in construction and you forgot your keys to go home

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) gDisasters

5. The art of looking for a stick to beat yourself...

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) Makovu

6. After being let go from the circus, they became electricians

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) Hectus

7. And this one decided to repair roofs

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) aromaticrubbish

8. The idea is simply to be careful when turning. The rest of the time, it works!

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) iJoyzilla

9. He just forgot his ladder, so he improvised!

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) Sryn

10. That time when the kids come home from school running around the house and slamming doors ...

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) mcr55

11. Professional safety is for amateurs ...

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) tony703

12. ... Who needs it anyway?

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) ThankYouJesus

13. And this is how the human species goes extinct ...

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) imgur

14. ... Or maybe it’s like this?

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) clashcow

15. Playing with danger even at work is being daring (or a philosophy)

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) Wasfeines

16. If a fly comes, that’ll be the end…

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) reddit

17. Better than a basic worker: a flying worker!

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) Lelord

18. Guys don’t use conventional lighters

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) d4hm3r

19. There’s another way to clean these windows, isn’t there?

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) muffinoverlord

20. My feet?! I am a practical person, sir!

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) bigxy3242

21. Here is a perfect illustration of trust

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) BobTheBobber

22. Simple accident or act of revenge?

Illustration de l'article : 22 photos that show why women live longer than men

(C) tuttibossi

Photo credit: imgur, reddit

Source: BrightSide