23 behind the scene shots from blockbuster movies and TV shows
We're all used to watching movies or TV shows without giving a second thought to what the actors are like in real life. Some of most badass characters are often played by actors who are adorable once the cameras have stopped rolling, which is why we love browsing through photos that show their true selves!

Here are 23 behind the scenes photos of blockbuster movies and TV shows that prove these celebrities are just as normal as the rest of us!
1. Nicholas Hoult, who plays the bad guy in Mad Max: Fury Road, loves to knit!
2. Wonder Woman gets her boots made!
3. One of the most memorable scenes from Kill Bill
4. The Avengers take a well-earned lunch break!
5. The cast relax during the filming of Westworld
6. Johnny Depp being covered in blood for his death scene in Nightmare on Elm Street
7. Arnold Schwarzenegger during the Killing Gunther shoot
8. Not all scenes are fun to shoot, particularly when it's raining and some actors are late to set!
9. Benedict Cumberbatch while filming Doctor Strange
10. Keanu Reeves takes a break between scenes while shooting Siberia in St. Petersburg
11. Balancing on a 'precarious' ledge during filming for Dark Knight!
12. Another Kill Bill photo
13. Darth Maul from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace enjoys some Tai Chi during a break
14. A very fragile and tiny Batmobile
15. Francis Ford Coppola lurks behind Brando on The Godfather set
16. Even It needs some time to himself!
17. Michael Myers goofs around!
18. Freddy gets into the groove on the Nightmare on Elm Street set!
19. The mini-city that was built for Terminator 2
20. Attacking It also had its fun moments!
21. Wonder Woman borrows her pal Batman's mask!
22. A blood-covered Sissy Spacek takes a break while filming Carrie
23. Predator is actually a really cool alien!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!