23 funny photos that define the word 'fail'
Some days go without a hitch, some suck from the moment we wake up. Others may just present us with a fail that doesn't make or break our day and may even have hilarious consequences!

In honor of these highly amusing moments, here 23 funny fails that will brighten your day... Are you ready?
1. When Minnie Mouse saw a fake Mickey Mouse T-shirt
2. We really hope this is a translation error!
3. Someone needs to learn basic grammar
4. Oh the irony!
5. What you ordered vs what you received
6. Looks like Jesus may have visited this supermarket!
7. How could they get this so wrong?
8. Someone doesn't like kids!
9. A very disturbing inflatable soldier/tank combo!
10. Does this mean they're adult only?
11. And here's someone who skipped geography class!
© IfitWasntForAutofillIwouldNeverLogIntoImgur / imgur
12. Never slam on the breaks if you're driving a hearse
13. How to cleverly disguise a delivery...
14. The reason why you should never buy clothes online
© ChemistryAndPhysicsAreFun / imgur
15. So is it 1st or 3rd?
16. How to make chocolate unappetizing
17. Seriously? They didn't notice?
18. Extra security measures...
19. Err, okay, how?
20. Now that's what we call a boob job!
21. Because we all hold ice creams like this...
22. When sudden hair loss occurs...
23. Elmo on acid?

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!