24 creative ways to upcycle old wooden pallets
Upcycling helps the planet as much as it does our bank accounts. Even the smallest gesture can make a difference, whether it's to reduce waste or add a useful piece of furniture to our homes.

A perfect combo that’s a win-win, even if, as this case, it does require some basic skills. Wooden pallets are everywhere and often found left by the roadside or in a dumpster. And yet they can be turned into some incredible things and enjoy a new lease of life. So, if you know how to handle a saw, hammer and nails, check out these genius ideas!
1. A pallet that's been turned into a beehive
2. A simple boundary fence
3. As a support for raised beds or containers
4. A cheap wooden floor for your camper van
5. A swing bed - for dogs and humans alike!
6. A vintage-style wooden door
7. Remove a few slats and make a handy storage unit
8. Ever wanted your own skate park?
9. With time and patience, you can even make wall cladding!
10. A cheap and cheerful garden shed
11. Add wheels for a practical coffee table
12. For anyone who loves barbecues
13. Because benches are always useful
14. Good enough for a bar or restaurant
15. Make your own futon!
16. Another awesome coffee table idea
17. Just need to buy a new mattress
18. Make a trash can rather than throwing pallets out with the trash
19. A cozy bed for your pets
20. Transformed into a map
© thepoopthatwaspromised / Imgur
21. Make your own Hanging Gardens of Babylon
22. Great as a shed or play area for your kids
24. Don't waste money on fencing!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!