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  4. 24 hilarious rebels who defy authority

24 hilarious rebels who defy authority

We’re surrounded by rules, especially in the United States where it’s necessary to prevent absolutely everything in order to avoid lawsuits. But sometimes it can be suffocating, and some people feel the need to defy the simplest laws or rebel against authorities. This leads to some really funny situations as you will see in these 24 photos...

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1. Not a chance

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2. No rule gets by him

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A sign at the entrance of the Trinity College Library in Dublin

3. Bills are forbidden

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The sign prohibits "soliciting and posting of bills,” and a clever person has covered the sign with photos of all the most famous Bills: Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Bill Cosby…

4. Chinese people can’t be stopped

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The sign reads, "No China on patio" but since the word has two meanings, it's funny to see this young lady on the patio right next to this ambiguous sign.

5. No respect!

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As seen on the knife, it’s for serving cheese only.

6. The spirit of contradiction

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The sign is supposed to prohibit smoking and drinking, but because of the way it’s written, one might understand "No smoking alcohol," which of course he was quick to try.

7. Ok!

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To save money, the boss put a label on this label-maker: "DO NOT PRINT LABELS UNNECESSARILY." One clever guy printed and stuck a label underneath it saying "OK.” It’s just the kind of thing that must have made the boss mad...

8. Try to make me get up me if you dare

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In the subway, some seats are reserved for expectant mothers, disabled people, and the elderly, but this sign reserves the seat only for people who are in a REALLY GOOD MOOD.

9. "We refuse to die!"

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"This year thousands of men will die from stubbornness," and beneath it, someone painted "No we won’t." This is a government poster designed to encourage men to go to the doctor for prevention tests, because they’re often stubborn and refuse to get tests done until it’s too late.

10. "Now it’s the only thing I can think about!"

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11. The protester who knows everything

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The box warns "Do not use blade to open," probably to avoid scratching the contents. So this rebel who knows everything took a CD titled "Blade" to open it.

12. “Rules are made to be broken.”

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13. Past the expiration date

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Above where this older man is sitting, you can read in large letters: "Teen Spot." Maybe the guy has been here for a very long time...

14. The stapler that has seen the world

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An employee who was tired of his floor’s stapler constantly disappearing attached this label that says "Floor 4. Do not remove." An ill-intentioned colleague took the stapler away and photographed it in front of various far-away tourist attractions. We're not going to see the stapler again on the 4th floor anytime soon... You can bet that he had to hang up these pictures in the room where the stapler once was.

15. Even nature breaks the rules!

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16. Say no to discrimination!

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This stubborn guy took a seat in the women's section of the library to read a book clearly entitled "For Women Only."

17. "Absolutely no ball playing allowed"

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18. Insult to consumer creativity

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When a juice box says "Insert straw here" and some people find it insulting. So they insert the straw right next to it. Take that!

19. The thorn in his side

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Under the door sign for Dr. Hedgeh in office 51, there is an infuriated note: "Warning: to whoever keeps adding “og” to my doorsign, if I catch you, you are dead. Dr. Hedgeh" and the repeat offender added “og” to the signature on the note.

20. Beast and unruly

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This New York subway poster explains, "Poles are made for your safety, not your latest routine. Hold the pole, not our attention. A subway car is no place for showtime.” And this jokester dressed like the man in the poster to do exactly what the sign advises against.

21. "I see no problem!"

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This girl ridicules the sign trying to discourage diving by imitating it exactly as pictured.

22. "Oh how funny! I have the same pair!"

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23. "Free parking"

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24. Even presidents play along...

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