24 hilarious workplace mishaps
A lot of novices try to pass themselves off as professionals, often with hilarious consequences. Hilarious for us at least, because we doubt that the workers responsible for the following managed to hold on to their jobs...

So in honor of these 'you only had one job' heroes, here are 24 photos that take define workplace mishaps!
1. A mishap that's going to cost someone a helluva lot of money!
2. How to recycle old tires
3. Someone can't count
4. When someone doesn't read the instructions...
5. Production line fail
6. A veggie burger...
7. Although some people get double rations!
© Ialwaysupvotecapybaras/imgur
8. "It doesn't matter, they'll understand..."
9. This one looks like someone having a poop...
10. Yes, they installed a chair under the floor...
11. Someone must hate delivery workers
12. Time to find another delivery person!
13. Maybe they were drunk?
14. Mmm, long yellow things!
15. How? Everyone's heard of Pikachu!
13. Creepy angels!
14. Laziness taken to a whole new level
15. And this supermarket had the nerve to put this cake on display?
16. Dora has some serious issues...
17. Oh the irony...
18. Why use screws when duct tape will do?
19. No one will notice this...
20. So where does this elevator actually go?
21. Please don't tell us someone's stuck inside!
22. Rebellious nature?
23. "We were asked to install them, not position them..."
24. Made-to-measure door

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!