25 photos that sum up the word 'fail'
None of us are perfect and yes, we all have our 'stupid' moments... The results may be hilarious, even if at first we have a complete meltdown!

In honor of all things dumb that we've done, here are 25 photos that perfectly sum up the word 'fail'! What about you? Any similar tales that you'd like to share? Just leave your comments below!
1. When you take a bite only to realize it's a bar of soap!
2. Never, ever put too much coconut oil in your bath if you want to get out alive!
3. Rain, shine or snow, always remember to shut your sunroof!
4. Same goes for windows!
5. And best keep your jeep in the garage until summer arrives!
6. Try ordering a meal from this menu!
7. Maybe you have to run at this 'Harry Potter-style'?
8. Because leg room doesn't matter...
9. No tip for this server...
10. It smells delicious, it's been simmering for a while and then this happens...
11. How many of us have done this when we've not been able to find our corkscrew?
12. Ouch, ouch and ouch again!
13. We pity the person who has to clear this up!
14. When you want to be chivalrous, but quickly regret your decision!
15. Seagulls have no pity!
16. When you leave a pot of paint in your car on a scorching summer's day!
17. Revenge of the garbage men!
18. Yes, road signs exist for a reason!
19. When 'stress relief' turns into 'bathroom nightmare'
20. The morning after the night before...
21. When you suddenly wish you'd stayed in bed...
22. Why solve a problem when you can just create another one?
23. Oops, someone was half awake when they went to the gas station
24. The reason why you should never leave your mop and bucket outside on a snowy night
25. Hilarious! The trials of being a teacher...

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!